Fantastic as usual. I need to get to Weil, and more Murdoch than I have for that matter. I was as freaked out as any good lib when Peterson popped up, although I had a working familiarity with the vein he operates in-that kind of Golden Bough, Joseph Campbell, Jung getting his freak on mode so he didn’t seem especially interesting. Ironically enough his mental health struggles have kindled my interest in looking into his more academic work someday, not so much because I think there’s anything real there, but I got get the sense his project is partly about warding off his own nihilistic depression, which I also struggle with at times.

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Thank you! Would be interesting to hear what you make of Weil if you read her first hand. My theory is that one's reception of her is largely determined by how one easily one is mesmerised (I suspect I'm at the higher end of that scale). I've been fortunate enough not to have suffered too greatly on the depressive side, so I've been more interested in mythopoetic mania as an antidote to the noonday demon. But I've come to realise that the power of these myths are pretty weak if they don't form part of a living tradition.

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Idiosyncratic biblical exegesis can be such an entertaining genre. I sometimes forget that it has a post-Enlightenment existence, too.

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